Apple & tomato? what about it??????
Sofea Hana la ni......what else that I'm willing to spare some time from my busy time at work, to write the story about??? (hamboih, panjangnyer ayat, betui ke tu? hehe...n some more busy la sangat..- lunch time)
Sofea Hana with Ms.Apple. I cut an apple into pieces and gave it to her to replace with the whole apple in her hand, know what? that piece berterbangan ke udara, diselangi dengan dentum dentam tangisan Cik Sofea...
Nah, hamikkk..makan la sebijik tu..mak xkesah..
errr...nape rupa epal tu dh jadi macam tu...
don't bite momy okay!
hehehe...tau mak takut..smbil tersenyum
(pandai Sofea tgk camera kan?? clever cem mak ni)..hehe
ohhh..lazatnyer...sambil menikmati kehebatan rasa kulit epal hijau
Taraaaaa!!!! wowoooo...dah macam jalan raya kat kampung semarak 2
byk nyer hole! hehehe
hmmm....btw, my gratitude and thanks for ms. apple that making Sofea so busy, and momy can do her work without having to scream.
End of Apple's life.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- are right, it turns for Mr.Tomato...
I went out to buy some groceries with Sofea Hana in the evening.One of them is tomato.
The moment she saw the red-looks so gorgeous-yummylicious thing, she instantly beg for it.
To not give, Sofea will bend her body and start screaming out.
yeayyy! finally that red-roundthing is in my hand...hehehe.
Mommy, this is the way how to munch this yummy thing..with your eyes partly shut (to express your deep feeling)
Then, just put into your mouth to further taste it..
Mommy, you want some??
(aiyyooo...yang dah masak pun mak terpaksa makan nak, untuk kulit ni, kalo x, xde nyer...) hehehe..
errrrr...nampak macam makan red velvet je sedap nyer tu..tsk tsk
Final stage...before she let go my tomato..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!