Alhamdulillah, the event running smoothly according to the plan.
Pictures sebalik tabir.
I started baked the Choc Chip muffin on Thursday night.
All 40 pcs.
Subsuqently packed them inside the packs together with air kotak lemon tea from Seasons.
Only paste them on Saturday morning...
Lepas tu dah xde pictures taken lagi dah...so busy preparing the food..
Clock is ticking..tik! tok!tik! tok!
1. Nasi Ayam - 6 ekor ayam
2. Spaghetti Bolognaise
3. Cheese cake - not in the picture as i have to keep it freezed, kalo x, dia akan melting..and ni xdapat nak serve ke public coz sofatnya yg cepat sgt cair....aiyoo.. so makan adik beradik je
4. Moist Choc cake- Friday night punya keje
5. Puding Jagung - Ni pun Friday night punya keje, tido pukul 2 am
6.Puding Laici - dalam 50 bekas dadih tu - not in pictures as well as I want to keep it cold.Lagi sedap dimakan! :) - Ni Wednesday night dah siap
7.Main cake is from Baskin Robbin - ni opkos la bukan den yang buat...
8.Puding Jelly
9.Air Sunkist
Walaupun sangat penattt, tapi rasa sgt berbaloi dapat sediakn sume ni sendiri (sorang2 tu coz huband kena jaga 2 princess tu) hehe, tapi it's soooooooooooooooooooo worth it, cozz...
Husband xhabis2 puji pasal nasi ayam yg sedap! Alhamdulillah..terimakasih Allah kerana mambantu hambaMu ini.. :)
And, sume2 mkanan tgl sisa2 je..Alhamdulillah.
Ada orang belon datang tiup belon helium kat rumah.
RM 3/pc. We bought 40pcs- total RM120 untuk belon only.Pengsan!
eh jap, sebab mr.husband yang bayar, xjadi la nk pengsan.hik!
Thanks Baskin Robin untuk ice cream cake yg lazats!~
Romantic pulak rasa..hehe.