Break-fasting @ Royal Chulan Hotel

OK, OK, today is day-11th of Syawal already. I know this is obviously an outdated entry, but you cannot force your mind to think and send the order to your hand when it's actually empty, right? right? hehe..huh, which means my mind gone empty for the whole last month..errr.

hahahaha! can i just laugh here? 
btw Ayah Da, can you just find a better time to snap the pic?

From left : Greedy mother, 'craving-for-food' Sofea Hana,' cannot-say-anything' father

We were enjoying the food so well. Variety of them, from north across to the west,east, north-west..bla bla bla (i'm not good in geography).

My favourite? ABC. You can make your own ABC, with your own taste. Mine was flooded with nuts.

Special pose for you, reader! hehe

say 'Cheezeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'. 'hide-your-tummy' time.

For a family, the BIGGER, the better.NO! no! I'm not talking about the size, its' the number  :)

This is close to the entrance, so from here..we walked away...smiling! :)


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