Playful Sofea Hana

Sofea Hana will turn 10 months in a few days.Time flies so fast.

Being able to watch her growing up and making new tricks everyday is a PRICELESS gift.

Alhamdulillah ya Allah for your blessing.

Her latest picture at Marrybrown's playground, Pontian.

1st point. Where I put her.

                 Start to play with the balls.Opps! didnt miss to bring her paci along.

She enjoyed crawling within the colourful balls so much. Sometimes laughing for nothing..haha(way to express how excited and hapy she was surrounded by hundreds of colurful balls).

She was in the middle of the pond full of balls.Continue crawling and crawling in.

Pictures cant do much to show how eager and excited she was.
I bring you her video. ;)

Pohon beringin..tegaknya tinggi..lalalalaa (bedtime song from Abah to Sofea when she was 4-5 months)

laju...laju..buaiku, laju...(xlaju pun?) hehe

yes!...the MUSICAL CAR..she loves this too.very much! haha. she even gave us sign to reload the coin into the machine to run it again. After 2 times! haha.

 row row row your plane...running onto the sky..lalala..haha (plane is rowing ke? plane is flying la mommy!hehe)

Above is while waiting for her mum to do facial.hehe. Thanks to Sofea's dad, my love for your patience.
2 days in row that he had to wait and entertain little Sofea. 1st day - i do hair treatment. 2nd day - facial treatment.Fuhh! it's been a long time since my last time having that.I felt so GREAT! hehe.


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