Freezer is wishlist was fulfilled. wishlist was finally granted...check here

We shopped at FabulousMom outlet which offer very competitive price compare to other baby's outlet (as far as I'm concern). I first knew this outlet from Pa&Ma mag, it's truly helpful!

So, apart from FREEZER , I have bought nursing cover, a combo pack of sterilizer and bottle warmer, pumping bag and 5 units of nursing bras (oppps) for not more than RM 400 (close to it).

We got Purchase with Purchase (PWP) offer for buying more than hundred, that's where the price has been marked down, and they also offer discounted price for certain items at the first place. And to add to my excitement, the manager ( i think so!) granted us a 'VIP' card which entitled us for ALL-THE-TIME SALE!
Sounds great right?? hehehe..

Place freezer kat tingkat atas, easier for me to pump, xpayah susah2 nk turun ke bawah. Only few steps from our bedroom.

Alhamdulillah..almost full, rezeki untuk ZR.Will try my level best to BF you as much as i can

Btw, I felt quite regret for I dont have much knowledge before this that made me failed to exclusively BF SH. I'm so sorry dear...

OK, ni sempat wat entry coz anak2 sedang tidur..hehehe..dgn gaya mereka tersendiri ;)

Frustated me.

The frustatation began when i first open my eyes this morning at 8.00++am. OK, it's quite late to wake up at this time, but i accidentally fall asleep while bf ZR after Subuh prayer.

So, I'm frustated because i woke up late? NO, of coz not because of that. I'm not blaming myself for that, mybe i deserve that longgg sleep this morning since ZR is hardly asleep last night, so I have to comfort and please her until she lost the battle :) and coincidentally pulak, SH pun don't know why bangun as  early as 3.00am++ last night. "nak ipad"...n mcm2 la kerenah ank kecil itu yg terpaksa dihandle oleh Abah, sampai Abah terpksa dukung kat bahu and watch movie sampai SH tertidur kat bahu...And, Abah pulak terus melayan movie until it's dawn..around 5.20am...

Ok, back to the subject.

I woke up with a shock cause i heard SH's voice. She said 'tumpah, tumpahhh'...and when i realized it, it was already too expressed milk was spilt on the mattress...all is WET.

I remembered the bottles are full with 10oz of my EBM. It's my routine to wake up at 4.00am++ every morning to do pumping, and normally i will straight away keep them in the fridge...but this morning, i just put it on the table coz i thought of keeping it later...

But, i was so FRUSTATED that all has spilt and it's only around 2oz left in one of the bottle.The other one is EMPTY.

Rasa nak marah, but i'm not supposed to, it's my fault that i put the milk within her reach.She climbed the chair and hold that 2 bottles  and it was spilt over.She doesn't did that on purpose.I knew it.

I then terus berlari ke dapur to save the other 2oz. While running downstairs, i heard bunyi2 kat luar "Oh, my husband watering his plants, and me boleh baru bagun tidur pulak" kata aku dlm hati. Aku turun dengan bunyi yang bising, pasal marah SH, eh, aku marah ke? Aku just cakap "Nape SH tumpahkan susu mak?" arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

Dari luar my husband jerit ;

Hubby : "Nape tu?"
Me:  "SH tumpahkan susu i..."

Kat dapur,Aku campak bottle susu tu dlam sink, and campak accesories2 pump tuh jugak.Intentionally doing that to express my frustation.Crying...(mcm budak2)...but seriosuly I'm so frustated. Ask other mums out there, mesti frsut giler jugak kalo susu yang suda di'pump' dgn penuh kasih syg...tumpah begitu sahaja..banyak pulak tu...aduuhhhhh....

And, dari luar, i heard my husband rushed to the kitchen, maybe dengar dentuman2 botol2 yang aku campak tadi..

He then hugged and comfort me (sbb aku nagis tu, aku kn jarang menangis) :)

Hubby : "Sabarlah, SH tu kita yng kena bentuk dia..u kan mak, apa yang u cakap and buat tuh doa untuk anak2.."

Me : " I xcakap pe2pun kat dia.. " (maybe hubby ingat aku dah marah and keluarkan kata2 xbest kt SH)..I'm just so frust la..

Hubby : Xperlah..stock u kan byk lagi, i tahu u penat bagun pagi2 nak pump susu, InsyAllah ada rezeki lagi banyak nanti.."..

Me : Hmmmm..(silent).

Then, aku naik atas. SH tgh main Ipad. Aku rs nak nagis aku pun nagis.Bile SH nampak aku nagis, dia pun nagis jugak and datang kt aku.

I hugged her.

Huh, dramatik sungguh awal2 pagi Sabtu ni.

At the end, terpaksalah aku mengemop n m'febrezze' lantai and karpet rumah yang dh terkena curahan air susu aku tuh...tau la kan EBM..bau dia agak lain cket..


And, thanks hubby, and I love you SH. Semoga terus diberi kekuatan untuk membesarkan anak2 ini.

terus aku google psl "how to cope your children's tantrums?'..maybe next entry aku nak cakap pasal ni jugak.This is very important topic to me, since from my observations, SH sejak ada ZR ni, lain macam sikit kerenah nya..maybe she needs more attention, afraid of losing our love etc..

You should knw my dear, you are our heart forever, and nothing gonna change that.

maybe, she's too young to understand this.

i think i need a freezer.URGENTLY.

No more space for ayam, ikan n daging. ALL is my EBM stock for ZR.

And i even got no more space to cater for another 2 weeks ahead stocks before i start to work.

Now,Do you think i REALLY need a FREEZER?

bulan ini agak kering kontang cket, n i have a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG list of things that i need to buy.OK, maybe some of them is not so necessary, but i still want to buy them.

They are ;

freezer - checked
nursing cover - checked
sterilizer - checked or unchecked?
bottle warmer - checked
bag to store my Avent Duo Pump (for me to carry ELEGANTLY to office) - checked or unchecked? since the one that i have now is quite BIG.
nursing bra- whoppss! checked

that's all that i can think of rite now (dalam2 kering kontang tu, kpla msih ligat nk continue my shopping list..haha!).

jom zuhr dulu, dah pukul 1.54 pm , my server time.

Zara Ranea popped out from mom’s womb on 11th Syawal..Alhamdulillah

EDD : 1st September 2012
Admitted : 1.00am 29th August 2012
Delivered : 12.06 PM 29th August 2012, Hospital Pusrawi

Pic  kat labour room , waiting for the labour pain to pay a visit.. J
Few minutes after  delivery…sangat lega time ni..coz this time of delivery, the pain is double compared to the first (baru last year..hehe) n rs sgt bahagia bf my baby…the feeling is sooooooooo indescribable..
Looking at my face above, rsnyer2, how many urat yg dh terputusssssss?? Hikhik..Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Walailahaillallah, AllahuAkbar…Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa2ku…

It’s her…

Zara Ranea bt Mohd Hisham (1 Day old)

First kiss from Kak Sofea Hana

Permata hati, penyejuk mata, jantung hati dan pencen kubur kami…Ya Allah, bantulah kami suami isteri dalm membesarkan dan mendidik ahli syurga ini ke jalan yang diredhaiMu..aminn..

Kami dah ber-4!!!!!!!! Alhamdulillah…n mak sgt comottttttttttttttt kt pic ni! kalo la ade pic ln yg aku leh pilih utk gmbar b-4 kt spital ni, xmo la den upload pic ni..haih!
Alhamdulillah..sume dah selamat..n the moment i post this entry's only tomorrow before i end my confinement period! Alhamdulillah..w/pun aku dh mlggar pnatang dri hri Ahad yg lepas coz makn baskin robbin..n seterusnya terus minum air sjuk hingga ke hari ini, hari terakhir sebenar berpantang harus tetap diraikan! wahaha...adios!

Hari Raya Aidilfitri suda lama berlalu...tapi, aku baru nk post.hmm..Ade aku kisah? :p

Raya 2012 –  First Raya without my MIL L 
It’s a mournful one. But everybody seems trying to look happy in front of each other. To be strong,  to ‘redha’ atas pemergian bonda yg tercinta. It’ still very recent, only around 6 months away since she left us. To meet her Creator. Our Creator.
Semoga roh mak dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di kalangan kekasihNya…aminnn.
OK, layan pic raya kami!
Raya 1

Prince & Princess yang menjadi penghibur kami semua di pagi raya J Early morning, mereka telah di’siap’kan oleh ibu bapa masing2..hehe. So, First shot is for them…santaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii  jerk kan..hehe.
Kebetulan pulak, theme merah dua2 pun even not in the same tone, satu merah, satu merah jambu (baju sofea hana tu kami grab kat jusco je, sorang pn xde wat baju raya thun ni..hmm..lgipun mak dh terboyot2 la tggu hari nk deliver adik  J )

Saya ade banyak gigi…ada beran?? Hehehe..mak paling suka tang gigi taring, mcm taring ‘aummmmm’ (bunyi yg sofea wat kalo ditnya cane bunyi tiger)..hehehe.

Okay, before ku ulas lanjut..kt cni nk kongsi satu rhsia dlm pic ni..(tone mcm iklan OREO tu)..hehe..aku npk tinggi di situ kn? hahaha..before took pic tuh, sempat pulak husband amik stu kotak n suh aku pijak ats,bru leh npk seimbang this pic...sabar je la.....................nk wat cane, rendang2 cute gitu! :P
Pic taken after sembahyang raya, pas makan2..(rendang daging Hari raya kali ni disediakan oleh 2 orang jejaka berbaju hijau kuning pucuk pisang di tengah2 itu merangkap my bros-in law)..hehehe..nak mengharapkan akak ipar korang ni, hampehhh! :P
Pas sesi shooting2 ni, sessi mintak maaf to each other. First hand yg aku salam of course is my husband. Honestly, this moment is really awkward to me. I was too shy to say sorry and admit my mistakes. Or..i can admit my mistakes, but I was too shy to say sorry (kedengaran lagu “Sorry seems to be the hardest word’ )..not that I’m an ego person, but aduhhh…xtau nk explain. Malu betul la nk mintak maaf salam2 tu..xtau kenapa…haishhhh..
And whenever we have dispute, I always want to ask an apology from him, tapi mesti terbantut….coz perasaan malu tau, or maybe xreti…haishh..i always want to mintak maaf from him each night before we go to bed..tapi, xterbuat jugak..haishh..smpai kdg2 he’ll be the one who said ‘ xnk mintak maaf ke??”  J
And, there are at times, my husband will ask me, “sejak kita kahwin, is there anything yang u xpuashti dgn I, or is there anything that u want me to improve”…and aku diam jee…no respond…just senyum je cem kerang busuk..kerang pun senyum gi lawa aku rasa..haha..pastu aku jwb..”natilah I bgtau”..smpai skang..harammmm..xde aku jwb :p
Deep in heart, aku nk jwb cemni, tapi lidahku kelu (ewahh!) …”You have been a perfect husband to me and a perfect father to my daughter..and I’m so thankful to Allah for His Grace, He made us to be together . And, I’m so lucky to be your wife”…*tearsss*
And…choppp2, ada lagu jugak,
“ You are my strength when I was weak,
You are my voice when I couldn’t speak,
You are eyes when I couldn’t see,
You saw the best there was in me,
Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach (sbb I rendah :p)
You give me faith coz u believe,
I’m everything I’m because you love me…………..”
P/S : Entry Hari Raya ke Hari Anniversary ni??? Hahaha.
Ok, sambung2..
Pastu kami bertolak ke Kg.Bongsu, Pahang  utk ziarah kubur arwah abah n mak..

Kat rumah Ayah Lang..
Since we are already kt Pahang, so gi la mampir ke rumah Ayah Lang…

Zahir : Ya, nmpak x ape yg abg yir npk tu?
Sofea : Haaa? Mane? Mane?
Zahir : Ala..kat situ la…bwh pokok2 tu..(sambil menudingkan jari ke arah suatu kawasan)

Sofea : Yerlah..mari kita dtg dekat tgk…bunyi mcm dinasour tu, bior betul dinasour wujud lagi skang ni, mak kata, mak pun xsempat nk jupe dinasour coz dorang dh pupus lama
Zahir : Ala…nk kena pergi ke?? Kita ajak parent sekali la..kita kan kecittt lagi ni..
Sofea : Kita kena pergi jugak, nanti kalo kuar paper, glamer la kite abg yir..hehe

Zahir : Hmmm..okay la okay la..joms!

Zahir : Ya, jalan depan dlu tau!
Sofea : Kan Ya tgh jln kt depan Yir ni….
Eh3, rsnyer bukan dinasour la…cem kecik je binatang ni, kata mak, kalo dinasour, kita kena mendongak kalo nk eye-to-eye dgn cenonet je…paras lutut kita je ni…

Sofea : Kita tgk dari sini je la Abg Yir..
Zahir : Ok, kejap jerk tau..abg nk gi mkn kuih raya pulak ni..
Ok dah, sampai cni je..mak dah penat mengarut..kahkahkah!

Narrator : Penat berdiri mencangkung pulak dak 2rang ni…kesian kan…xpernah npk angsa…kah kah kah

Ni lagi satu..percubaan utk wat video klip raya..sambil Sofea nyanyi lagu raya “ Pakcik dan makcik..duit raya jgn lupa nak diberi…..” (alter cket dri lagu asal) hehe.

Raya 2

Pagi2 raya ke-2, time org sume msih diulit mimpi…Abah melayan Sofea main2 air kt luar rumah…haih.

Okayy..smbung jlan-jalan cari duit rya..Ni kat rumah Mak Teh..kat cni kami melantak byk..coz beraya cum mkn thgri skali..npk x muka sy (jap aku jap sy, lantakkkkk!) hehe..cem berseri2 kan? Kah kah kah..persan pulak kate pembawakan baby girl.. J

Aku sj 'large' kan pic tu bior npk jelas k'glow'inganku itu...wahaha..perasannnn nyer! (sekali lagi, ade aku kesah?) :P
Pastu bertolak g Lengging – kg my late MIL..kat cni mkn mcm2 jugak..sup ekor pun ade…n mee rebus kot? Eh ke mee bandung? Eh mee ape eh? xhengattt la pulak…yg pasti..mee.hik.
Byk pic lain, tapi sy pilih pic yg ni je la..coz clear muka I gitu..cess betul kan? Hehe..

comment: Mak aiii...sekelepuk pic aku je dlm pic ats ni, beso nyer amik space...kahkahkah
ni msih di Lengging..singgah rumah in law Mak Mai..mkn mee jgak..sedapsss…tapi perut sy dh sgt penuhhh..kne defragment dlu…hehe..layan air je…aisss mmg xpernh mengecewakan.. :p

Raya 3

Pergi ziarah kubur mak abah wat kali ke-2, coz ada tahlil with family2 belah Abah.
So, after tahlil, kami gather kat surau nearby..makan2 (sponsored by Mak Ndak) n then kami posing2 tnda kenangan..
Sangat berlainan tanpa Mak L

p/s : pic2 ats ni berlainan size, ade kecik ade besr ade kecik ade besar,ade kecik ade besar..
haa...lbih besar pic tuh aku wat, mknanya, lg aku nak tgk dgn lbih jelas la pic tu coz dier kcik sgt...wohoo!


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