Sofea Hana 1st Birthday!

phewwww!!! it's been forever since my last update here..busy?hmm..not to the extend that i can't post updates here, not at all, seriously, hahaha! guts?? no idea, in no mood..bla my husband always said.." memang semangat awl2 je.., biasa la tu..." hikhik.

so, today, flying from the sky , the mood is finally here..i'm officially B.A.C.K! insyaAllah..aminn.. wee!

So, as the first update, i'm going to paste here, pictures of Sofea Hana's birthday..  ;) which is the first birthday for her, and the last birthday celebration for our beloved mom (join celebration), Al-Fatihah to bonda tercinta, Rosidah bt. Sulong..semoga Tuhan merahmati dan meletakkan mak di kalangan kekasihNya...Aminnn.. ballons..ada biru, merah merah jambu n putih warnanya..hehe

sofea ni, biar mak je la yg potongkan kek! heheh

Semoga menjadi ank yg solehah, Sofea Hana. We loves u so much!

jari yg ada cincin tuh la jari jemari xberapa runcing saya..hukhuk

Surpriseee!!! for mom...masa ni, mak dah sakit..mak rehat kat bilik je..she just lying down on the bed until we forced her to come out and join us in the event.. :(

 In her 52th birthday..we miss you mak! *tears*
Mak kembali ke rahmatullah on 8th April 2012, at 11.15 pm in Hospital Selayang....

Birthday-girl pose..ewah!

mak ngah, pak ngah and abg zahir were the last person arrived, since Abg Zahir got appoinmnet with the paed that night..xperlah, thanks for making the day! :)

mak sofea yg over taking pic with some of the presents that night!
*xtau nape pic nih xclear, dengki tau!!

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