♥ My first pregnancy experience is wonderful! ♥

Hehe..it’s me in surau – 33 week 3 days. I just performed my prayer after 30 minutes of nap. I used to sleep in surau since last few weeks (or months?? I couldn’t remember exactly when my body start developing this habit).
Sleeping is the best medicine to sleep! (Luckily, my job understand me well) wink! wink!

Pic of my baby in her Week 32 - According to http://www.pregnancyguideonline.com/wk32.htm The baby is up to four pounds now and all five senses are functional. The toenails are completely formed and the hair on the head continues to grow.
I can't tell you how many times she kicks me everyday (btw, i'm so worried if she doesn't). So, keep on playing football inside my tummy dear, and remember to absorb all the nutriens in kangkung (is it swamp cabbage?? i dont know what it called in english.. .Nevermind.. potatoes & brinjals that mummy took during lunch. Wish that you'll grow healthily! But please dont be too big, otherwise mum will look so funny ;) wink! winK!
Talking about big size, suddenly it popped into my head about  2 more pieces of Domino pizza left on our table this morning. Maybe we just take that for dinner tonight.
Oh, btw, we ordered regular size pizza. Not big.
Lilypie Maternity tickers
Hmmm..now i'm counting days to become mum (i can't believe that i'll have baby soon!). So excited, who aren't right??  ;)  We did our last checkup on Tuesday, 11th Jan 2011 .At that point,  she have grown to almost 2kg, 900grams bigger than last 2 week check-up, wowwww! you gain weight so fast dear!!!  Happy Growing.


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