Makan Ubat

Mommy has started to feel unwell most of the time,the morning and night sickness been visiting me quite frequent lately.
But, i dont want to miss updating stuff about my little Sofea.

So, now what?

Moment 'makan ubat'.

Since now she has become more clever, so, her parents (it's actually her dad) has to become more creative in finding ways to  give her the medicine.

Here's the trick. Lepas mandi, kena bedung semula..untuk mengelakkan dari ditepis dgn hebat oleh Sofea yang akhirya ubat akan berlimpahan di atas katil instead of into her mouth.

So, macam ni la rupa budak 10 bulan yang masih kena bedung..hehe..

Waiting for the doctor to standby the stuff (medicine)..
elok la pulak dier diam je ni haaa kena bedung..hahah..

One more tricks is, ubat tu datang dari dalam peti ais. sejuk n fresh u know...mmg her favourite la, minum la dier dgn redhanya...

seems that mission has been accomplished.

Alhamdulillah, congrats Abah!

Nantikan kemunculan Abah dgn trick2 yang lain pula, daaaaaaaaaaa!! :P

p/s : lain macam pulak this time punya pn type sambil bersandar bagai ni haaa..
whatever la..janji terhapdate jugak ni...

nantikan edisi yg lbih tunggang langgang pasni.

huh! lain jugak kalo org yg senoneng yg menaip..................


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