Playing around at Mollys

This entry is so related to my post to FB on last 2nd Dec night.
Because of that 'touching' iron , we have to drag our feet  to Jusco to buy a brand new one since the next day is Monday and it doesn't give me a chance to complete even one suit! haihhh..

So, here we are in Jusco.
Since last week is my birthday, i got message from Jusco which grant me jusco's voucher which offer special price for certain items.

And, one of them is 2 tokens at Molly's...bla bla. (xingat full name).

Abah buy another 4 tokens which made it 6 tokens overall.

Muka SH sgt boring...xmencabar la sume2 ni kan anakku?? hehe..we want more! we want more!
i think all these toys is for children below 1 year kot..movement is somehow very slow..haih.

setaip kali toys tu berhenti moving..SH ckp 'nak yang lain'..'nak yang lain'...pas naik toys lain..muka stone lagik...haha.

Xde yang menarik.

Lastly, Abah try to return the remaining tokens, but it's not allowed. So, layannnnnn je la toys2 lain sampai abis sume tokens tu.

By the way, thanks Jusco for the voucher. ohh..waitttt, can i make a complaint? wahaha.

The items that you offered is sooo not interesting and not so relevant to me.In future, you may want to ask member's preferences before you issue the voucher (i guess so!)..hehe.- mengengada la ko ni shida, dah bagi present,banyak bunyik pulak.macam la ko sorang je AEON member dalam malaysia ni yang dorang nk layan cemtu!


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