Zara Ranea popped out from mom’s womb on 11th Syawal..Alhamdulillah

EDD : 1st September 2012
Admitted : 1.00am 29th August 2012
Delivered : 12.06 PM 29th August 2012, Hospital Pusrawi

Pic  kat labour room , waiting for the labour pain to pay a visit.. J
Few minutes after  delivery…sangat lega time ni..coz this time of delivery, the pain is double compared to the first (baru last year..hehe) n rs sgt bahagia bf my baby…the feeling is sooooooooo indescribable..
Looking at my face above, rsnyer2, how many urat yg dh terputusssssss?? Hikhik..Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Walailahaillallah, AllahuAkbar…Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa2ku…

It’s her…

Zara Ranea bt Mohd Hisham (1 Day old)

First kiss from Kak Sofea Hana

Permata hati, penyejuk mata, jantung hati dan pencen kubur kami…Ya Allah, bantulah kami suami isteri dalm membesarkan dan mendidik ahli syurga ini ke jalan yang diredhaiMu..aminn..

Kami dah ber-4!!!!!!!! Alhamdulillah…n mak sgt comottttttttttttttt kt pic ni! kalo la ade pic ln yg aku leh pilih utk gmbar b-4 kt spital ni, xmo la den upload pic ni..haih!
Alhamdulillah..sume dah selamat..n the moment i post this entry's only tomorrow before i end my confinement period! Alhamdulillah..w/pun aku dh mlggar pnatang dri hri Ahad yg lepas coz makn baskin robbin..n seterusnya terus minum air sjuk hingga ke hari ini, hari terakhir sebenar berpantang harus tetap diraikan! wahaha...adios!


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